Friday, July 6, 2012

Run... Hide... It's The Check Engine Light!

Imagine this: You're driving down the highway, everything seems smooth... No strange noises, smooth ride, then it happens... The check engine light comes on! The Check Engine light has the ability to immediately strike fear in the hearts of drivers everywhere, and leave you wondering how much the problem is going to cost to fix and if you will be able to afford it.

While it is true that sometimes the check engine light can signal a serious issue with your car, it can also signal much more simple issues with a cheap or free fix. These problems can be anything from a cylinder misfire to your gas cap not being on tight enough and everything in between.

So what can you do about it?

DON'T PANIC! If there doesn't appear to be any initial problems that are overly noticeable, see if there's a simple fix. Try checking for a loose gas cap, check all your fluid levels, and if that doesn't appear to fix it, maybe it's time to see someone about doing something a little more serious.

Get a free diagnostic! Often times car part shops such as Advanced Auto will do a free diagnostics check on your engine and can tell you what the issue is. It may be something you can take care of, or you might need to see a mechanic, but it's worth looking into.

If it is something that requires a mechanic we're here for you! With our body shop you can view service specials or schedule an appointment online!

For more info on what it means when your check engine light comes on, click here! 

To take a look at our service department online, click here!


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